Productivity pundits believe you can’t be productive without routines and rituals. What I believe is, you can be more productive than you already are if you can deliberately structure your routines in such a way that maximizes time.
Most times, there are two sets of things we do on a daily basis; the things ‘we like doing’ and the things ‘we have to do’. As much as there is wisdom in the quote that says “find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for it”, not everybody will that lucky. Bills don’t care if you like your job or not.
Even when we do what we actually love, there will be aspects of that work that we’d rather outsource to someone else because we find it extremely tiring and demanding.
Regardless of vocation — designer, engineer, product manager — there is one simple exercise that is guaranteed to make you better at what you do.
The reason is simple: Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Your ability to clearly articulate thoughts in words shows how much clarity on topics, issues, or whatever it is you choose to write about.
For me, I have found that writing in the morning works. Apart from being an early riser, mornings are the most essential part of my day — they set the tone for everything that follows.
When I write first thing in the morning before getting swallowed up by daily tasks, it gives me a sense of accomplishment that cascades down to every other thing I do. If you are a chronic procrastinator like me, you will understand. Even if all I write down is 100 words, the fact that I started something and completed it successfully motivates me to move on to other tasks and ‘actually finish them’.
One more reason why I enjoy writing in the morning is that, it gives me something to look forward to. It also gives me the opportunity to get things off my chest. I don’t always write with the intention of publishing. I could just write in my journal and leave it there.
Like we all know, because something is good for the goose doesn’t mean the gander will like it. Life is more beautiful when we understand ourselves better and fashion our lifestyle accordingly.
Writing in the morning works for me. It makes me happy, excited and focused.
What works for you? Please share in the comment section.