All his life, he has been preparing for this very moment. When it finally comes, he doesn’t know how to act or feel. That sudden feeling of unpreparedness washes over him and he doesn’t know if he’s ready to do this.
As the hour drew closer, he just couldn’t steady himself. Beads of sweat materialize on his forehead and his heart starts beating so fast he grabbed his chest to prevent it from bursting out of the rib cage.
It’s the rhythm.
* * *
The rhythm that beats so loud but can only be heard by one person.
The rhythm that comes from a place of happiness, a place of fear or even a place of excitement.
The rhythm that precedes the defining moments of our lives.
It’s the rhythm.
We hear it loud and clear, it’s wells up from the inner of inners, sending vibrations to the motor neurons in the body, begging for attention and a good reception.
We feel the palpitations, the heart beating with so much clarity and accuracy, it would make a hit song. All that is left is to lay sweet melodies on the beat, spice it up with lyrics and dance to the rhythm.
Unfortunately, we are too carried away. In the heat of the moment, the only thing that occupies the mind is the business at hand, so the rhythm plays on without an audience.
It’s the rhythm.
The rhythm of life nobody dances to.
That moment our heart beats uncontrollably because we are too scared of the outcome of what we are about to embark on.
The moment before the job interview.
The moment before we propose to the love of our life.
The moment before sky dive.
The moment before we pull a trigger.
The moment before we step on stage.
The moment before we do anything that scares us or makes us anxious.
But we have trained ourselves to be brave and hide our fears. So when the beat plays in our heart, our body ignores the urge to move to the rhythm.
It’s the rhythm of life nobody dances to.