How Recognizing Each Other’s Skills Builds Harmony and Progress
Bargaining for more than a minute tires me out. My idea of what a fair price is often isn’t fair at all, but I give in just to escape the verbal labour involved. I acknowledge this shortcoming, which is why I leave it to my wife whenever possible. She handles all the negotiations, except for a few instances related to the family.
There are, however, things I excel at more than my wife. For instance, I’m better at keeping the house in order. I straighten the table, stack the clothes, and ensure everything is in perfect working condition. She doesn’t compete with me in this area. Whenever she’s looking for something, she comes directly to me because the chances are high that I know exactly where it is.
We’ve learnt to complement each other in various ways, and that has been a great advantage. It works for us, and we’re making progress both individually and as a family.
This dynamic is a reflection of how systems and teams can thrive. We all have our strengths — areas where we excel and others where we might not be as capable. Whether it’s at work, in a committee of friends, in the community, or in any organised system, the principle remains the same.
Unfortunately, in many environments, you’ll see colleagues struggling to outdo one another. There’s unnecessary strife, power tussles, and efforts to prove superiority — all of which are needless. If we can identify our strengths and focus on them, we’ll recognise our unique contributions and be better equipped to drive progress in whatever we’re doing.
As individuals, it’s crucial to study ourselves enough to know what we’re best at and to relieve ourselves of tasks that aren’t our forte. Outsource or delegate when necessary. Your unique selling point lies in that skill or talent you excel at. By amplifying this, you’ll be more appreciated and likely achieve success faster.
Focus on your strengths and value the strengths of those around you. We can’t all be good at everything, and even when we share similar strengths, there’s always something that sets us apart. We are all unique in our own ways.