Own your happiness

2 min readAug 19, 2022


Nobody is responsible for your happiness.

A lot of times, we make the mistake of delegating the duty of making ourselves happy to someone or something else other than ourselves. The earlier we realized the world doesn’t care about our happiness, the better for us.

To others, your happiness is nothing more than another transaction. Another chance to make the day’s pay. Another stage to put on a show. Another opportunity to make a statement. Nothing more, nothing less.

When you give room for this to happen, you are only empowering others to control your emotions. You become so addicted to their ‘high’. You’re just another junkie.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Some people will genuinely seek your happiness. Some are already in your life right now, others are waiting to meet you in the future. Hold them dear and cherish whatever bond you share because it is hard to come by. Do not take them or their gesture for granted.

What does happiness mean to you?

Happiness is a heightened sense of contentment. It’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

It’s making choices that create a sense of safety and feeling deeply satisfied knowing your life has meaning.

It’s all about you. Define what happiness means to you and seek it with everything you’ve got.

What do you see in the mirror?

Your external world is a reflection of how you see yourself. Searching for happiness outside of ourselves is a sign that you don’t think much of yourself on the inside.

If you find yourself in this stage, don’t worry. Even the happiest people in the world have been here before. All it takes is some moments of self-reflection to help you discover the gems in your life.

There’s so much beauty inside of all of us. Just take a step away from the noise outside and listen to the sweet music welling up from inside you.

“I be common person, but my happiness, oh, still be my own”Burna Boy

It’s up to you. The ball of your happiness has always been in your court, you just chose to let others play it. You can and must step up your game.

Do what you love…

Focus on the positive…

Keep your accomplishments front and centre…

Get clear about things that you can do for yourself…

It is your responsibility and yours alone.

Stay happy ❤️




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