A note to the women in my life

2 min readMar 10, 2023


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Sending you this note three days after International Women’s Day wasn’t deliberate. But I think it is a blessing in disguise. At least the wave of messages from brands has passed and you can focus more on this note. It’s important to me that you do because every single word comes from the depth of my heart. Yes, it’s personal.

Often I wonder about the impression you got of me when you and I met for the very first time. Did I strike you as a friend to hold for a long time, someone worthy enough to be a custodian of your best-kept secrets, or just another fellow drawn to your beauty like a bee to honey?

If you ask me the same question, I’ll tell you unequivocally without a second’s thought or batting an eyelid. I have only ever been attracted to any woman for three things; beauty and brains. Nothing feels sexier to me more than a woman that can match me intellectually (or even surpass me) and manage to look good while at it. Sorry I had to use the word “sexy” there.

I know I might have been badly behaved or acted shitty on some occasions, I’m sorry. My emotions can sometimes get the best of me and cause havoc before I manage to rein them in.

Although this note is to appreciate all, I must give a special shout-out to my mother, sisters, and my lovely wife. These ones have been a pillar and rock for me, right from the day I stepped into this world till this very moment.

I have shown my love with the little things I can do — a letter, a poem, a song or random acts of kindness. Even though little things make up the world, sometimes, little things are just not enough. So, today I take time out to thank you all for granting me as little as one second of your attention.

To all the women I’ve ever met — and will meet in the future — I want you to know that I truly respect and value you.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

I love you ❤️




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